Read Chapter two before responding.

The copious amount of ash produced by coal-burning furnaces throughout the city had to go somewhere, and one dumping ground was in Corona, Queens, or as Fitzgerald refers, the valley of ashes:

“This is the valley of ashes, a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the form of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air. Occasionally a line of gray cars crawls . . . immediately the ash-gray men swarm up with leaden spades . . . which screens their obscure operations from your sight” (23).

The valley of ashes is everything the Eggs appear not to be—appear being the key word. One critic says that the valley of ashes symbolizes the moral decay which is veiled by the wealthy appearance of the Eggs; beneath this outward appearance (pretention) is the same ugliness that runs through the valley of ashes.

Do you agree or disagree with this based on what we’ve read thus far? Think about the description of both the Eggs and the valley of ashes. Support your response with specific encounters, interactions, and inferences.

Next, think about your own lives and experiences. Do outward appearances always project accurate inner character? Think about social class (including the poorest of characters presented in the valley of ashes). Can one truly be above someone? Or are we all rather grounded to some mutual root? How does this relate to the story and how would this affect the American dream?

Think about this before responding—there is much more going on here than what appears (just like the Eggs!). A thorough response is assured the entire twenty points—so make it thorough!

James cumbaa
9/26/2012 01:01:33 am

I honestly disagree with a "social class" it's immoral and wrong! The eggs are high class, they should have a high tax for the clean up of the ashes.
People look at me and my friends and say oh that's a bad group if people their! But in all reality they don't know a thing about me! A lot of people believe in social class witch is ridiculous and irritating, many base it on money looks and the amount of money they make!!!!

Nemanja Bundalo
9/30/2012 09:15:50 pm

I personally disagree with social class and or status, because in the end we are all the same. We all shape our lives in our own ways, we do what makes us happy. Judging people by how they look is wrong, you don't know anyone until you get to know them, everyone is different! Give everyone a chance don't just assume the worst of someone because you never know that person that you think is weird could turn out to be a great friend once you get to know them! Don't look down on people because your rich or famous everyone is the same we all breath the same air, we are all human!

Bethany Saylor
9/30/2012 10:09:21 pm

I do not agree with a social class. It is very wrong to me. People judge all the time when they don't know anything about taht person they judge. You can't judge a book by its cover. I dont understand why people believe in social class. makes no sense to me at all.

Ashleigh Wood
10/1/2012 07:51:59 am

I disagree because high class isn't really better then the rest of the people who are fighting to be in the so called "high class" I do believe that people that are in the high class should pay taxes it is only fair. And it is not good to make the rich richer and the poor poor.

Steely Sims
10/1/2012 09:26:37 am

I completely agree with the critic. The eggs have the same scandals, problems, and moral issues as the valley of ashes because everyone is exactly the same, human in every way. The only reason why people look down upon the valley is because their issues are more out there in the open and not hidden. The eggs hide behind their wealth, power and gossip behind everyone's backs. They have the same issues but because of the gap in wealth, all the illegal drinking and lack of common sense, they thought it was ok to treat people with such disrespect.

This topic actually reminds me of now, rich vs. poor, fashion non-sense, bullying. Its all repeating but with one thing changing. In our time a lot of the things aren't as taboo as they would of been back then. To me its a little sad that all of our morals and values are being thrown out the proverbial window. I have to admit, i am not a saint but I'm mature enough to look around and see what this world is coming to.

Truthfully no one can be above someone else but its in human nature to be dominant. Everyone fighting for the top spot. Its one of our many flaws as a species. It took us millions of years to grow into it but luckily we will grow out of it. It may take millions of years but at least by that time we will have matured and evolved enough to handle what else life throws at us.

Mr. Poderzay
10/15/2012 04:27:20 am

Excellent response, Steely!
You are exactly right. There is nothing protecting the lower class--they have nothing--, therefore they become vulnerable in every way possible. On the contrary, the upper class is trapped under this suffocating veil. The Eggers appear glamorous, sophisticated, and elegant, but on the inside they are actually begging for happiness while digging deeper into the life of dissatisfaction.
Our conclusion? Just as you said: in the long run, class means nothing among a world of problematic yet dependent creatures--we are all humans.

Tom Twford
10/1/2012 12:29:10 pm

Its wrong, and biased in my opinion. I could completely dress one way and be someone else personally. It hurts people that they get judged on how they are socially, you dont know them, so dont judge them. When people first met me, they seen me as quiet and unfriendly, but my closest friends, an other friends say im a really good friend. Take for example, "Dont judge a book by its color." Many people ignore that statement, but it means a whole lot more than what people know about it.

Austin Swag Sines
10/1/2012 12:30:52 pm

In my opinion the ashes show the difference in the 2 parts of the city. the dead and run down part (ashes) and the thriving rich part. The author made it this way to kind of symbolize the wealth and characteristics of that side of the city. And this happens in current time more often than you think. A lot of people judge each other on appearance just like you would judge that part of the city with the ashes. But you have no idea whats behind the appearance of the people you're judging until you get to know the person. I read what James Cumbaa wrote, and he's right. To be honest, the first time I seen him, I thought I better not mess with this guy. But once I got to know him, he's a really nice and caring guy. And he's not my only example. There are so many people that are something you don't make them out to be.

Jennie Beatty
10/9/2012 12:51:23 am

No I disagree because outward appearance isn't always true. You can't judge a book by its cover.

Sometimes I judge people based on how they look. Then I get to know someone and my opinion sometimes changes and sometimes it stays the same. So it's important to get to know someone first before making your opinion.

Upper class people think they may be better but in the end everyone is the same.

Ali Nixon
10/21/2012 08:28:41 am

In my honest opinion, I think social classes are wrong. Just because you have more money than someone, does not make you superior or above them. You should not judge something or someone that you know nothing about. Appearance isn't everything, so don't just assume. Give things a chance, and you'll be surprised at what you discover.

Rob sbory
10/24/2012 12:51:07 am

I disagree with social class because nobody is better then anyone else. People get judged everyday for no reason when everybody is different. Some people dont even know who they are to even judge someone else.get to know somevody before you give them a "class"


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