OK so here's what you need to do. Below these directions is a passage regarding the American dream. Read this passage and reply to the question (in bold) that follows in no less than FIVE sentences. 

"Achieving the American dream implies reaching some threshold of well being, higher than where one began but not necessarily dazzling. As Bruce Springsteen puts it, "I don't think the American dream was that everybody was going to make . . . a billion dollars, but it was that everybody was going to have an opportunity and the chance to live a life with some decency and some dignity and a chance for some self-respect.'
"The American dream consists in becoming better off than some comparison point, whether one's childhood, people in the old country, one's neighbors, a character from a book, another race or gender--anything or anyone that one measures oneself against" (Hochschild 16).

What does the American dream mean to you? In your own opinion, how do aspects of the American dream apply differently to each American class (lower class, middle class, upper class)? Lastly, what are your thoughts on an online assignment such as this?  

Ashleigh Wood
9/18/2012 07:43:43 am

The American Dream means to me that you live cancer free and that we are free from wars. Also that everyone has money even the people on the streets cause they need a home also. And where people don't judge you. It also means that everyone is famous for something.

Matthew Jarman
9/19/2012 08:36:10 am

The American dream means to life a carefree life. For the lower class it means to have some money. For the middle class it means to have a job. For the upper class it means to own a business.

Sean Woolridge
9/19/2012 11:38:29 pm

The american dream is being able to attain all your goals, dreams, and aspirations. its knowing that you have the freedom to be whatever your heart desires. that's the american dream to me.

Aris askew
9/20/2012 02:07:24 am

The America dream. My idea of the America is to live in your ideal house in your ideal place. The American dream is to live without any worry what so ever. The American dream is always lived with that one person worth living with. The American dream is a perfect life.

Mellisa Ridge
9/20/2012 09:16:03 am

The American Dream can be expressed in multiple ways. When you have freedom of speech, thats the american dream. When you have the right to bear arms, that the american dream. When your provided the right to trial by jury, thats the american dream. To me the 27 amendments are the american dream.

Emily powell
9/20/2012 09:55:59 am

When I think of the American Dream, I think of everyone wanting to be rich. People will do whatever it takes to get ahead in life. Most familys trying to achive the American Dream work full time. The traditional wife at home taking care of the kids while

Emily Powell
9/20/2012 09:58:02 am

the husband brings home the money does not exist any longer. Even though the American Dream has changed it still is a goal for some Americans.

Jelani Ivery
9/20/2012 10:05:58 am

My idea of the American Dream is to live comfortably and how you want. You should be able to do the things you want to do with no worries about anything. You should also be able to meet your families requirements with no problem.

Srdjan Ilic
9/20/2012 12:23:56 pm

When considering thoughts about the american dream i think freedom. Many people would say streets paved with gold and money and things. The american dream however to me is our freedom of speech, religion and press. Money and jobs is what is mainly expected but our freedoms is what counts.

Sierra Phillips
9/21/2012 01:38:04 am

The American Dream to me is the ideal life many want to live. The rich, luxurious life others try to achieve. Also the American dream is the equal life and freedom of right many people

Sierra Phillips
9/21/2012 01:38:45 am

Receive in there life. That's what I believe the American Dream is to me .

Sam Conrad
10/1/2012 12:57:46 pm

To me, the American Dream means many things, including being able to sustain an enjoyable and healthy life. Certain aspects of the American Dream do apply differently to each American class (lower, middle and upper classes). For example, those in the lower class, either unemployed or the working poor may have a tough time just getting by and being able to pay for simple needs such as food, running water, heat and electricity. These people suffer a lot, and their ideas of achieving the American Dream can be as simple as joining the middle class. Now, the middle class are usually able to sustain their families however may not have extra money to do what they would want/prefer to do, or must save to ensure stability. I don't think all of these people really dream of being rich, but of having a more flexible lifestyle. Now, upper class...they have exceeded what most people consider the American Dream, and sometimes this can affect them negatively, contributing to
reckless and unhealthy lives.

Carl Taylor
10/24/2012 10:16:03 am

The American Dream is an unobtainable false image of reality. It is as stated in the US Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The American Dream is infact the pursuit, not the happiness. This is because of the never ending social greed and want for materialistic items that can fill our soul less desire for more than what we deserve. Our founding father were correct we can only pursuit but never catch.

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