Note: This blogging assignment regards (starting on) page 100 of the eBook provided for you under the “Gatsby” tab.
         Gatsby: The Great Gatsby eBook (click the button)

Consider the following before responding:

Fitzgerald continues to reference western heroes by naming Gatsby’s benefactor “Dan Cody,” an allusion to Daniel Boone and Buffalo Bill Cody. In the late eighteenth century, Daniel Boone, an American pioneer, created routes for westward expansion to what is now Kentucky and Missouri. Narratives of these exploits were published in magazines, inspiring young people with accounts of courage. Buffalo Bill Cody began his career with a series of Wild–West experiences, working for Custer, shooting buffalo, and acting as a scout for the U.S. Army.

In Chapter 7, we learn of Gatsby’s origins as James Gatz of North Dakota. In the novel, Gatsby has become his alter ego, leaving James Gatz behind as he travels the world as Dan Cody’s steward.

How do Fitzgerald’s allusions—to Daniel Boone and Buffalo Bill Cody—apply to Gatsby as a character? Is Gatsby doomed to tragedy as long as he disguises his Midwestern origins in favor of a more extravagant, fictional biography? Do you think Gatsby ever knew a Dan Cody—why or why not (I’m looking for support from the book!)?

Keep in mind that Fitzgerald’s allusions are in regard to Dan Cody, not Gatsby himself. Respond in no less than five, thorough sentences for the entire twenty points. 

Allusion -- an implied or indirect reference especially in literature; also : the use of such references. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

